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8th Grade Computers

A.      Instructor:  Mrs. Tolliver


B.      Course Description:  This course is an introduction to basic computer skills and reinforces keyboarding skills.  It covers current Windows operating systems and computer applications associated with Microsoft Office 2003.  This course provides introductory instruction with easy-to-follow directions and activities.  The main focus will be on keyboarding skills and word processing.  Additional topics may include file management, desktop publishing, working with spreadsheets, internet safety, multimedia presentations, and database.  Students may also have access to the Internet and may use digital cameras and scanners.

C.      Textbooks: 

·         Learning With Computers, 2006, Thomson South-Western

D.      Course Objectives:

·         Develop the fundamentals and skills necessary for word processing

·         Enhance keyboarding skills while increasing accuracy and speed

·         Enhance language and writing skills

·         Provide a basic knowledge base for computers and computer literacy

·         Expose students to the Internet and the World Wide Web

E.       Course Content:

·         Keyboarding practice

·         Speed drills

·         Word processing skills

·         Formatting business letters

·         Final project

F.       Teacher Expectations:

·         Practice proper technique.

·         Make sure your name and exercise number appears on the top of your printouts.

·         There will usually be enough time to complete lab exercises in class.  Use your time wisely!

·         Have a good attitude.

·         Work hard at all times.

·         Try your best!

G.      Grading:

Grading will be based on class participation, completion of assignments, written quizzes and exams, and the final project.

Daily assignments will be given in class.  Assignments are due before class the next time it meets.  There will be an automatic 25% deduction if not turned in that same day.  Assignments turned in any later are automatically deducted 50%.  If you miss a class, you need to see me before school or during SRB to get the assignment.  You have until the next time that class meets to complete the assignment.